Thursday 2 August 2012

Inspire ~ to fill (someone) with the urge or ability to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.

So, I'm not exactly a regular contributor at this blogging thing but I think it's time for a new post and I'm INSPIRED...  Here's what has been inspiring me and lifting my spirits lately...

My little girl... continues to astound me with the rate she is growing at the moment.  Not just height wise but in knowledge and her personality is just 'bubbling' out of her at the moment. I'm just falling in LOVE with her all over again every time she surprises me with funny things she says or does.  She loves dancing and singing and went nuts over Paul McCartney singing "Hey Jude" on the Opening Ceremony of the London Olympics (nah...nah...nah...NAH nah NAH NAHHHH), this has inspired me to share with her my many and varied musical loves, anything from the Beatles, and Fleetwood Mac to John Mayer, Kasey Chambers, Busby Marou, Jimmy Barnes, Oasis and Katy Perry just to name a few (yup I did say many and varied!).  At nearly 21 months she is just my "little best friend" and she inspires me every day to be a better person to set a good example for her. I sincerely hope I 'INSPIRE' her life.

People with positive attitudes...Out there in blog land there are just so many inspirational people! Great motivators who teach that it doesn't matter who you are and what you look at just get out there and LIVE!! Enjoy every experience and be happy with who you are!  On that note, I was talking to my Mum today who was telling me a very sad story about a 47 year old man at tennis last night who suffered a heart attack and dropped dead right there on the tennis court.  As I just wrote that it seemed like a very harsh statement, to "drop dead" but that's exactly what happened and this can happen to a seemingly fit and healthy person, it really makes you stop and think.  Cherish each moment! So, as my little girl and I kissed my hubby goodbye tonight, as he walked out the door to play his regular Thursday night tennis fixtures I think we both just took an extra second, not really saying anything, but just a quick look of knowing that we loved each other and that we were appreciating that moment of togetherness and the preciousness of life.  This inspires me to be positive and to try to bring joy to those I love as time is very precious!!

My friends...I am very proud to say that I have a few friends with whom I am totally at ease.  We can catch up and there is no pressure to impress each other or put up a front.  We can turn up at the park in our tracky dacks, watch the kids play, goof around on the slippery dip and go home with smiles on my faces.  Every girl needs at least one friend like this.  I have only just realised how important this is and am grateful for each and every one of my beautiful friends.

The sunshine...I have made an effort to get outside each morning this week.  To sit and feel the warmth of the sun on my skin and my spirits soar as my little Ives chases the dog around the yard trying to catch her tail.  What a wonderful way to start the day!

These are just a few of the many things that have been inspiring me lately and I will hopefully share more with you another time.  Fingers crossed it won't be this long in between posts again!!

Quote of the moment: 
"If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look LOVELY" - Roald Dahl


  1. I didn't realise you were blogging again... so exciting! I can't wait to follow more of your journey and see more pics of your beautiful bubby girl! I love having positive bloggers around to inspire me too!

    1. Thanks!! Yep, I'll see how I go :-) Would love to have a bit of a collection of life events and projects. Need to work out how it all works first though!! Just having a play!
