Monday 20 August 2012

This is why I blog...

All too often I take photos...

Pictures of mundane, everyday activities such as sitting down to a plate of fruit for afternoon tea...and they sit on my camera forever....until one day I look at them and think "why the hell would anyone want to see a photo of that?!?"....

But what I want to document is the memory, the feeling in that moment...

My Jewel has been miserable the last few days and not sleeping all that well but woke up this afternoon full of energy and back to her normal self! Although the sniffles are still there she has just brightened up my world!

My pictures may not be the most professional and my words may not be the most profound but this life is important to me and I want to cherish the precious moments.

Note to self: must practice selfies!! :-)

1 comment:

  1. oh i love sharing daily life... it's what makes us who we are as mum's who stay at home most of the time. oh and i love a good selfie, gotta practice those for sure lol
