Tuesday 21 August 2012

Finger Painting Fun!

This morning it was lovely out on the deck in the sunshine, so we tried finger painting for the first time...

Of course we had to start of with pink, being Ivy's favourite colour and all!!

Things progressed quickly and before too long we had all the colours of the rainbow everywhere!! (I had to keep trying to hold myself back from cleaning it up and just let her get messy!!). 

But we had FUN!

Yep, there's a bit of blue paint on Ivy's lip...and yep it's there because she had to see what it tasted like...what a crack up!!

Then it was time to sit back and look at all the 'beautiful' (doesn't a mother always think her child's work is 'beautiful'?!?) artwork... actually checking out the artwork didn't involve any 'sitting back'...more like walking over all the wet paint with her socks on and pointing out the different colours!! Lucky it's washable!

Then for the clean-up - almost as much fun as the painting bit! 

This was a good morning.

Plus the selfie was a little improved on from the last one - still hate photos of myself though...

Wardrobe Mayhem - Casual Home Day Wednesday

Don't worry, I'm not going to tell you what I wear every day for the rest of my life, just going through my wardrobe - eeek!! - and figuring out what to throw and what to keep (more on that later).

Wardrobe - before
My lovely friend, has been inspiring me to get my house in order.  You can read about it in her blog by following this link.

This is what I came up with - all keepers as they are worn very regularly and still in fairly good nick.

Jeans: Kmart $9
Singlet: Valleygirl
Top: Cotton on
Scarf: Jay Jays (approx 10 years ago)
Now back to sorting the wardrobe! Seeing as I've shown the 'before' picture now I really have to get stuck in and work on the 'after'!

Monday 20 August 2012

This is why I blog...

All too often I take photos...

Pictures of mundane, everyday activities such as sitting down to a plate of fruit for afternoon tea...and they sit on my camera forever....until one day I look at them and think "why the hell would anyone want to see a photo of that?!?"....

But what I want to document is the memory, the feeling in that moment...

My Jewel has been miserable the last few days and not sleeping all that well but woke up this afternoon full of energy and back to her normal self! Although the sniffles are still there she has just brightened up my world!

My pictures may not be the most professional and my words may not be the most profound but this life is important to me and I want to cherish the precious moments.

Note to self: must practice selfies!! :-)

Wardrobe Mayhem - Frumpy Tuesday

Today I have a sick little Jewel
Today I am surviving on limited sleep and a lot of coffee
Today is cold, windy and a little overcast
Today I need to wear something comfortable and baggy colourful!!

Dress: Target (mid 2010)
Shirt: Cotton on (too long ago)
Scarf: Trade Secret ($4.95 on Saturday)

Thursday 9 August 2012



2 cups plain four
1 cup salt
2 tbsp oil
4 tsp cream of tatar
2 cups water
food colouring


Mix dry ingredients and oil in a saucepan

Add food colouring to water

Place saucepan on stove on low heat and stir continuously whilst slowly adding water

Lumpy gooey mess!!

Keep stirring till you get the consistency you want and as Ivy says..."TA DA!!"

You've got yourself some playdough!!



WARNING!:  After a morning of playdough fun having a lunchtime nap may be a problem, the "playdough...playdough...playdough" chant kept coming from the cot of my poor tired little princess until she finally dozed off to the land of nod.

Thursday 2 August 2012

Rustic birthday cake...with a touch of purple

"Happy Birthday to you...Happy Birthday to you...

Happy Birthday dear Mother....

Happy Birthday to you!!!"